jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

SUHO of EXO inspires cancer patient in Joana A Park’s Pink Ribbons…

 Many EXOL have found popularity, some through hard work and others through their craziness for a member or two. Today I feature an EXOL who found her popularity through her literary work. She is known by the EXO fandom as the Pink EXOL because of her cotton candy pink hair and her determination to share awareness of breast cancer. Many do not know, Joana A Park has been an author for many years now. She has released other works such as “Heaven Sent” and The Secret of the Cherry Blossoms” but “Pink Ribbons” was the story that launched her into the stars.

                          Suho de EXO                                                        Author Joana A Park                                                                              

Joana A Park recently published and released “Pink Ribbons”. This book is based on Joana’s true struggle with breast cancer. She combines her scary reality with a sweet love story featuring her bias SUHO from EXO. Being a EXOL myself, I was delighted and taken in by her story. The story details Jojo’s fight with breast cancer and how she gets through it with the love and support of her best friend, Charlie (inspired by her true best friend Choua) and her bias, Myeon (inspired by SUHO). If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with this horrible disease, you may find it worth reading this book.

  • Within the first few pages I had tears in my eyes. The main character is such a relatable person and the experience she went through was heartbreaking.. loved how the main message of this story was hope and how K-pop idols are more than just visual eye candy. They’re inspiration.. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling! –Kia on KdramaBuz

  • The main character is the strongest & most thoughtful person.This story made me tear up in some parts and that’s what makes it great. It makes you think. And when SUHO came along, my heart melted. I love how they bonded. Everyone should read this book as its one of my favourites. — @ohdear_baek on Twitter

  • The book is very touching, moments I cried and others I laughed. My mother had a moment in her life like JoJo. I know how bad a person needs support and I’m happy SUHO helped her through it.@Real__Taepark on Twitter

“PINK RIBBONS” is available free to all EXOLs by direct messaging @JoanaJinPark on twitter.

And its also available for purchase on Amazon.com for purchase. The proceeds goes to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Author Joana Jin Park proposes to EXO's SUHO in an interview with Author Weekly

In an interview with Author weekly, Author/Model Joana Jin Park was asked "If she could say anything to anyone in the world, who would she pick and what would she say?" With a shy smile Joana whispered "수호, 결혼 줄래?" Translated from Korean she asked KPop Star "Suho" of the Super group EXO to marry her. When asked if they were acquainted she laughed and said "Suho doesn't even know I exist."   "Well pretty lady, Suho will now know you exist." replied the interviewer.  
For full interview with Joana Jin Park purchase Author Weekly Mag or visit Smashwords & wix.com